Current events have put renewed emphasis on the subject of racism in contemporary society, and the workplace is one of the most important aspects of this vital conversation. To provide ideas for class discussion, we have pulled together a variety of articles that you may find useful.
The World Economic Forum has compiled a comprehensive, interactive guide to dozens of articles on racism. You can explore major subject categories and drill down to specific topics, such as entrepreneurship, corporate governance, and employment. By clicking on the thumbnail image in this post, you can see what the interactive feature looks like. (The site requires registration to access this feature, but it's free.)
In addition, here are some individual articles that offer other perspectives:
How Should You Be Talking With Employees About Racism?
For Black CEOs in Silicon Valley, humiliation is a part of doing business
How to build an actively anti-racist company
Beware of burning out your black employees
Taking Steps to Eliminate Racism in the Workplace
7 ways your organisation can start to uproot systemic racism in the workplace
To Improve Workplace Diversity, Undo Workplace Racism
Discussing Racism In The Workplace: Using Positive And Persistent Pressure To Enable Honest Dialogue
How to Begin Talking About Race in the Workplace