Teaching an Introduction to Business course can be both rewarding and challenging. Instructors must navigate various obstacles to effectively engage students and deliver a comprehensive understanding of the business world. In this article, we will explore the ten great challenges faced by Introduction to Business instructors and provide specific suggestions for overcoming these challenges. Diverse […]
Author Archives: Court Bovee
Shining a Light on Greenwashing: Consumers Take Aim at Deception in the Sustainability Market
Discussion Question 1: How can companies effectively communicate their sustainability efforts to consumers without being accused of greenwashing? Answer: Companies must prioritize transparency and authenticity when communicating their sustainability efforts to consumers. They should provide detailed information about their eco-friendly practices, including specific goals, progress, and challenges faced. This can be achieved through comprehensive sustainability […]
Moral Hazard and Ethical Dilemmas
The Truth about Loyalty Programs: Customer Magnet or Pointless Pursuit?
Here are answers to the discussion questions: Have you ever changed your shopping habits or chosen a specific store because of a loyalty program? Why or why not? Yes, I have changed my shopping habits and chosen specific stores because of their loyalty programs. For example, I frequently shop at a particular grocery store chain because […]
Intellectual Property: Friend or Foe?
Answers to Discussion Questions: Question 1: Have you ever changed your shopping habits or chosen a specific store because of a loyalty program? Why or why not? Answer 1 (Yes): "Yes, I definitely choose stores sometimes based on their rewards. If I'm comparing similar items, I might go for the one at a place where […]
The Great Democratization of Innovation: Unleashing the Power of Citizen Science in Business
Discussion Questions and Answers: 1. Question: This article describes the "Citizen Science Surge" as a positive development. Are there any potential downsides or ethical considerations businesses should be aware of when relying on citizen scientists? Answer: While the Citizen Science Surge holds immense potential, some potential downsides and ethical considerations exist. These include: Data privacy […]
The Hyperlocal Uprising Reshaping Retail
Discussion Questions about the Hyperlocal Hustle Reshaping Retail: 1. How can local businesses leverage the "hyperlocal hustle" to compete with larger chains and online retailers? Answer: The hyperlocal hustle presents unique opportunities for local businesses to thrive: Community focus: Build strong relationships with local customers by understanding their needs and preferences. Offer products and services […]
Teach the Four Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Business
"Artificial intelligence's impact on the world is momentous, yet it can feel almost invisible at the same time. Consider modern conveniences like Netflix recommendations, Facebook's suggested articles, and even Google's search page. These are all the result of AI, and they've become so ingrained in peoples' daily lives that they are almost unnoticed." Read more […]
23 Staggering Small Business Facts
Ever since the pandemic first broke out, small businesses and their welfare have become some of the most talked-about subjects. After all, many had no choice but to shut down; and while some did so only temporarily, others closed permanently. Yet, new ones have already begun to pop up—at a rate higher than ever before. […]
The Real Value of $100 in Every State in the U.S.
It’s no secret that a $100 bill can be stretched much further in some states than others. Most people know you’ll get a lot more for your money in Mississippi than in Hawaii, but you might not realize just how much of a divide there can be between different states. To determine how far $100 will go […]