Author Archives: Court Bovee

Top 8 Most Anticipated Artificial Intelligence Trends for 2021

Here are the points that have made artificial intelligence gain a lot of popularity: Understanding and forecasting epidemics and pandemics and finding a cure  Understanding shifting consumer needs  Making virtual experiences more real  Going fully digital  Making way for robots to empower the human workforce Cybersecurity Smarter digital devices

What Insights Lie at the Intersection of Neuroscience and Marketing

"Research into the interplay between the discipline of neuroscience — which studies the brain and the nervous system — and marketing could help to explain how people make decisions, how they react to stimuli and what triggers might amplify or diminish the impulses that drive social interactions or even innovation in a business setting."  

The U.S. Economy Is Already Mired in a Coronavirus-Sourced Recession, UCLA Economists Say

We wish you and your students the best as everyone responds to the medical and economic impact of the pandemic. With troubling news unfolding day by day, your students may have questions about the economy as they hear more and more discussion about a recession. As painful as these current circumstances are, they do present […]

Top 10 Human Resources Trends That Matter Most in the 2020 Workplace

"The 2020 Workplace is here! The workplace I described in my book, The 2020 Workplace: How Innovative Companies Attract, Develop, and Keep Tomorrow's Employees Today, is now distinguished by a workplace where the rapid pace of change is the new constant in the world of work! As we head into the 2020 workplace, ask yourself […]