Category Archives: Entrepreneurship and Small-Business Ownership

MCDONALD’S HAMBURGER UNIVERSITY: Step Inside the Most Exclusive School in the World

McDonald's Hamburger University is called the Harvard of the fast food industry. In fact in China, the school's one percent acceptance rate leaves Harvard in the dust. Today Hamburger University has campuses in Oak Brook, Ill., Tokyo, London, Sydney, Munich, São Paulo and Shanghai. More than 275,000 franchise owners and managers have completed the intense […]

100 Must-See Interviews with the World’s Most Successful Entrepreneurs

As young entrepreneurs it’s important that we keep swinging for the fences. Super successful investors like Ron Conway say they’d rather invest in an 18 year old Mark Zuckerberg than a 31 year old seasoned entrepreneur because the young Sean Parker types truly think the sky is the limit. At Under30CEO we’re going to carry […]