Teaching Introduction to Business: Facing the Challenges of Disruption in Business Today

For more information, visit https://introtobusiness.businesscommu….

Disruption is the new normal for business today, from new business models to technologies that upend entire industries to new social expectations and demands.

See how Business in Action can help your students get ready for this dynamic workplace.

Warren Buffett Says One Life Decision Separates Successful People from the Rest, and Here’s Why

Mr. Warren Buffett

We all know that Warren Buffett is a quote machine for his simple and yet profound wisdom.

Naturally, much of it has to do with investment, but as he approaches 90, Buffett is uniquely qualified to impart life advice that could change the course of careers and businesses.

Buffett has no shortage of advice about the importance of finding integrity in leaders. He's been telling us for a while that, of all the decisions we make in life, one of the most important ones is to invest in relationships with honest and ethical people.

7 Examples of Terrible Financial Advice We’ve Heard

"Between television, radio, the internet and well-meaning but presumptuous friends and family, we’re inundated with unsolicited advice on a daily basis. And when it comes to money, there’s a ton of terrible advice out there. Even so-called experts can lead us astray sometimes.

"Have you been duped?

Here are a few examples of the worst money advice advisers, bloggers and other personal finance professionals have heard."

Teach Your Students about These Eight Side Hustles That Are Actually a Scam

"Not only are we living in the age of the gig economy, we're now officially living in the era of the side hustle. More than ever, folks with moxie are taking on after-hours challenges to supplement their day job.

"But not all side hustles are created equal. Some are lucrative and exciting, and can pay for your next vacation or catapult you into a new career. Others are simply scams, designed to separate you from your money."


More Than 7,500 Stores Are Closing in 2019 as the Retail Apocalypse Drags on — Here’s the Full List

"The staggering rate of store closures that has rocked the retail industry over the past couple of years is expected to continue in 2019, with roughly the same level of closures expected this year.

"Retailers closed a record 102 million square feet of store space in 2017, then smashed that record in 2018 by closing another 155 million square feet, according to estimates by the commercial real-estate firm CoStar Group."

Read full article.