Ten Million-Dollar Start-Up Mistakes

It’s a well-accepted axiom in the investor community that entrepreneurs learnmore from their failures than their successes.Thus a well-explained startup failure often can actually improve your odds of funding in the next go-round.

Yet, there is no doubt that the best strategy is to learn from someone else’s mistakes, so you can enjoy the millions that someone else lost in learning.

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14 Surprising Ways Employees Cost Their Companies Billions in the Workplace

There are some inevitable costs of running a business. Every workplace is going to have factors driving down productivity. Employees aren't going to be glued to their work for every minute of their shift, and inefficiencies are bound to occur when people take days off.

But just how much do sick days and medical leaves cost U.S. businesses? And what about the lesser known office issues that drive up the cost of running a business, such as workplace bullying litigation and injuries from domestic abuse?

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What Consumer Culture Will Look Like in 2020 (and How Brands Can Adapt)

The brands that succeed will be the ones that are the most adaptable to whatever nature throws our way. The Consumer Futures 2020 report, developed by the U.K.'s Forum For The Future, takes a stab at imagining what consumer culture will look like nearly a decade down the line. There are four potential paths we might take: . . .

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