The Great Flow of U.S. Debt

. . . China is not the only owner of US debt – far from it. In fact, name a random country somewhere in the world, and we probably owe them something. And though many debts are small in comparison to those of big lenders like Japan, the UK, and aforementioned China, they aren’t chump change either. We owe Sweden around $20 billion, quite a tidy sum indeed. This infographic breaks down exactly where our debt is owed, and even breaks it down to the per-citizen level.

30 Resources and Tips for Using Pinterest to Communicate with Customers

Pinterest, the new social-media darling, took note of this behavior and created an easy-to-use site where people can share their interests in the form of pictures.
The site is beautifully designed and truly engaging. It is resonating with users and experiencing explosive growth. ComScore reports that Pinterest hit 10 million unique U.S. visitors faster than any site in history. . .
(To see Bovee & Thill's Business in Action on Pinterest–A Virtual Pinboard, visit