7 Examples of Terrible Financial Advice We’ve Heard

"Between television, radio, the internet and well-meaning but presumptuous friends and family, we’re inundated with unsolicited advice on a daily basis. And when it comes to money, there’s a ton of terrible advice out there. Even so-called experts can lead us astray sometimes.

"Have you been duped?

Here are a few examples of the worst money advice advisers, bloggers and other personal finance professionals have heard."

Teach Your Students about These Eight Side Hustles That Are Actually a Scam

"Not only are we living in the age of the gig economy, we're now officially living in the era of the side hustle. More than ever, folks with moxie are taking on after-hours challenges to supplement their day job.

"But not all side hustles are created equal. Some are lucrative and exciting, and can pay for your next vacation or catapult you into a new career. Others are simply scams, designed to separate you from your money."


More Than 7,500 Stores Are Closing in 2019 as the Retail Apocalypse Drags on — Here’s the Full List

"The staggering rate of store closures that has rocked the retail industry over the past couple of years is expected to continue in 2019, with roughly the same level of closures expected this year.

"Retailers closed a record 102 million square feet of store space in 2017, then smashed that record in 2018 by closing another 155 million square feet, according to estimates by the commercial real-estate firm CoStar Group."

Read full article.

5 Myths about Strategy

"There are lies, there are big lies, and then there are myths.  And myths are the worst of the three."

"Myths present a different, subtler trap, which is what makes even smart people fall for them.  They are usually based on a plausible half-truth, and they do not immediately lead you astray if you start to act on them.  It’s only with the passage of time that you realize that you’ve made a mistake, but by then your wrong choices can’t be unmade and the damage is done.

"We encounter myths in most realms of human endeavour, and the discipline of strategic thinking is no exception.   Here are five of the most pernicious ones I’ve encountered in a long career studying strategy and advising companies about it: . . ."

Does Your Introduction to Business Text Reflect the Latest Marketing Practices?

For more information, visit https://introtobusiness.businesscommu…

Has your introduction to business textbook kept up with all of the changes in the field of marketing? You'll find coverge of customer experience touchpoints, voice of the customer programs, social customer care, innovative pricing methods, and other vital new concepts in Business in Action, 9th Edition.

What Is a Business Model, and How Do You Pick the Right One for You?

"A business model is an outline of how a company plans to make money with its product and customer base in a specific market. At its core, it explains what product or service a company will sell, how it intends to market that product or service, what kind of expenses it will face, and how it expects to turn a profit," writes Meridith Wood in an article at Fundera.com.

"Because there are so many types of businesses out there, business models are constantly changing; there is no one-size-fits-all model that can be applied to every business. For this reason, it’s imperative to understand how your business makes money — and enough of it to remain profitable after costs are factored into the equation.

"To learn more about the different types of business models and how you can apply them to your own business, jump down to our infographic, or keep reading to learn more about the components of a business model."

View the infographic and read the entire article . . .
