"Opponents of job outsourcing are making a holiday-season appeal to President Trump: Stop U.S. companies from forcing American workers to train the very same cheaper foreign laborers who will soon replace them. "Why it matters: Trump promised voters he'd end abuses of worker visa programs and save U.S. jobs — but as he campaigns for […]
Author Archives: Court Bovee
The 50 Most Miserable Cities in America
"Not the worst, just the most miserable. "We've identified the 50 most miserable cities in the US, using census data from 1,000 cities, taking into consideration population change (because if people are leaving it's usually for a good reason), the percentage of people working, median household incomes, the percentage of people without healthcare, median commute […]
We Asked 3,000 Fast-Food Fans What Chains They Refuse to Eat At. Here Are the 15 Most-Hated Brands in the Industry
Fast food can be a polarizing topic. These fast-food aficionados have no love for certain chain restaurants. Fast food can be a polarizing topic. When we aske .. Read more at: https://www.businessinsider.in/advertising/news/we-asked-3000-fast-food-fans-what-chains-they-refuse-to-eat-at-here-are-the-15-most-hated-brands-in-the-industry-/articleshow/71879765.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst Fast food can be a polarizing topic. When we aske .. Read more at: https://www.businessinsider.in/advertising/news/we-asked-3000-fast-food-fans-what-chains-they-refuse-to-eat-at-here-are-the-15-most-hated-brands-in-the-industry-/articleshow/71879765.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst Fast food can be a polarizing topic. […]
New Research Reveals Why “Appearance Discrimination” Is Making Workplaces Even More Toxic
"Although the average company is more tolerant today than ever before, hidden prejudices still run rampant among workers from entry-level employees to executives. "In the workplace, the way you look can be more important than the merit of your work to some supervisors, while coworkers can treat you differently if you don't fit into their […]
Financial Statistics That’ll Shock You
How does our spending compare to average Americans? Check out these eye-opening statistics!
The Most Common Job Types by American County
This visualization shows the most common job types by American county using data using data from the County Business Patterns (CBP) survey. Counties are colored by North American Industry Classsification System (NAICS) codes.
5 Trends Redefining Finance
The digital transformation movement is underway and affecting all types of industries. As recent trends in banking have shown, the financial sector is undergoing many changes as technology continues to make financial companies more successful and create better relationships with their customers. As technology continues to advance and change organizations, what kind of trends can […]
The Top 5 Technology Trends for Businesses
The evolution of game-changing technologies is leveling the playing field in many industries. The adoption of these technologies is on the rise, giving cognizance to forward-thinkers in various industries to reimagine what’s possible.
Amazon Warehouse Employees Speak Out about the “Brutal” Reality of Working During the Holidays, When 60 Hour Weeks Are Mandatory and Ambulance Calls Are Common
"The holiday season is a hectic and crucial time for all retailers, not to mention a chaotic, trying time for retail workers who have to deal with Black Friday stampedes or ramped-up online orders in the run-up to Christmas. But Amazon occupies a unique spot in the retail industry, thanks to its size and influence."
The Top 5 Technology Trends for Business You Should Be Teaching Your Students About
"2019 will see an increase in technology-driven organizations, as more businesses embark on the digital transformation journey. With artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and robotic process automation (RPA) poised to usher in a new way of doing business, traditional business processes will soon cease to exist."