For more information, visit https://introtobusiness.businesscommu…. Disruption is the new normal for business today, from new business models to technologies that upend entire industries to new social expectations and demands. See how Business in Action can help your students get ready for this dynamic workplace.
Author Archives: Jan Shawkey
How to Critique a Colleague’s Bad Decisions in 4 Steps
"When you frame it the right way, your feedback can get your colleague on your side. Get-It-Done Guy explains how to criticize without making enemies." Read the entire article or listen to the podcast . . .
Teach Your Introduction to Business Students about Intelligent Business Technology
For more information, please visit https://introtobusiness.businesscommu…. Big data, fintech, deep learning, cognitive automation, taskbots, the smart factory–only one introduction to business textbook covers all of these important trends. See the future of business in Business in Action.
The Best Way to Get What You Want? Focus on Your Customers’ Needs
"Forget your own desires, and lead with the value you can provide."
5 Myths about Strategy
"There are lies, there are big lies, and then there are myths. And myths are the worst of the three." "Myths present a different, subtler trap, which is what makes even smart people fall for them. They are usually based on a plausible half-truth, and they do not immediately lead you astray if you start […]
Does Your Introduction to Business Text Reflect the Latest Marketing Practices?
For more information, visit https://introtobusiness.businesscommu… Has your introduction to business textbook kept up with all of the changes in the field of marketing? You'll find coverge of customer experience touchpoints, voice of the customer programs, social customer care, innovative pricing methods, and other vital new concepts in Business in Action, 9th Edition.
Simon Sinek – Most Leaders Don’t Even Know the Game They Are In
"Trust and cooperation are not standard in our organizations and yet we know they should be. There are two attributes that every single leader has the opportunity to possess that will help them create the types of organizations we would be proud to call our own. Those two attributes are EMPATHY & PERSPECTIVE."
What Is a Business Model, and How Do You Pick the Right One for You?
"A business model is an outline of how a company plans to make money with its product and customer base in a specific market. At its core, it explains what product or service a company will sell, how it intends to market that product or service, what kind of expenses it will face, and how […]
Teaching Your Introduction to Business Students about Innovations in Workforce Management
Learn more by visiting https://introtobusiness.businesscommu…. From the gig economy to workforce analytics to artificial intelligence in the hiring process, human resource management is undergoing some radical changes. Make sure your course stays on top of these developments with Business in Action, 9th Edition, by Bovee and Thill (Pearson).
7 Ways American Work Habits Have Changed in the Past 10 Years
"We took a look at how American work habits have changed over the past 10 years. Here are some of the most prominent examples." Read the full article by Steven John (photo, left) . . .