As educators, we pride ourselves on preparing students for the opportunities they will encounter in their careers. This has never been an easy goal with the introduction to business course, given the wide range of topics it needs to address, and the challenge gets more daunting every year as the business world continues to evolve […]
Category Archives: Teaching Introduction to Business
Teaching Your Introduction to Business Students about Innovations in Workforce Management
From the gig economy to workforce analytics to artificial intelligence in the hiring process, human resource management is undergoing some radical changes. Make sure your course stays on top of these developments with Business in Action, 9th Edition, by Bovee and Thill (Pearson).
Teaching Introduction to Business Channel on YouTube
This is a channel for instructors of Introduction to Business. You'll find a variety of useful videos that will help make your teaching easier and more effective. See on
Teaching Introduction to Business: A High-Productivity Approach for Today’s High-Speed Workplace
Teaching Introduction to Business: A Faster, More Efficient Way to Prepare Students for Today’s Workplace
If you have the responsibility of preparing students for the challenges they'll face in tomorrow's tough and uncertain business environment, turn to the most efficient introduction to business textbook on the market—Business in Action. Business in Action offers instructors and students a much-needed alternative to texts that are either overstuffed and overwhelming or so skimpy […]
The World’s Most Brilliant Hedge Fund Manager Made a Video Explaining How the Economy Actually Works
"Ray Dalio manages the world's largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates. It has a tremendous track record, so when the man talks about markets, people usually listen. "Beyond that, Dalio is known for having one of the most refined understandings of the economy in the financial industry." Read more . . .
Resources for Teaching Introduction to Business
Discover important resources for teaching Introduction to Business, including online magazines, instructor groups, 135 items on Pinterest for classroom use, and a special textbook updating service, Real-Time Updates. See full presentation here.
This Tool Reveals What Experiences Students Need Before Getting A Dream Job
It may be difficult to know the steps you need to get your dream job, but now a new service is going to show you exactly how to get there. ResumUp is a tool that reveals to its users the exact jobs they need to have before eventually getting their dream career, depending on […]
See Introduction to Business Pictorial Gallery on Pinterest–One of the Most Popular Sites on the Web
Introduction to Business: The Fast, Simple Way to Keep Your Course Content Fresh and Up to Date
Business in Action 's Real-Time Updates solves the age-old problems of maintaining the currency of textbook content and providing you with a steady stream of new examples, lecture materials, and media to enliven your classes. This unique suite of web technologies, developed by the authors, automatically provides weekly content updates, including articles, podcasts, online videos, […]