Lean Innovation Management — Making Corporate Innovation Work

"In the last five years “Lean Startup” methodologies have enabled entrepreneurs to efficiently build a startup by searching for product/market fit rather than blindly trying to execute. Companies pursuing innovation can Buy, Build, Partner or use Open Innovation. But trying to find a unified theory of innovation that allows established companies to innovate internally with the speed and urgency of startups has eluded our grasp."

Your Brand Is Killing Your Business. Here’s What to Do about It

"If good brands don't communicate exactly what the company does up front, they quickly make themselves synonymous with those products or services. Geico, for example, immediately triggers the thought of "insurance." The brand is so strong, they've even tied a gecko to the notion of insurance."

"Weak brands, on the other hand, are forgettable and seemingly unrelated to the company's mission. If people you know are constantly asking "what is it you do again?" you have failed to establish a strong brand. Part of the problem here is disseminating your message, but you have to work the advertising to properly build your brand. Otherwise, it's just wasted dollars."

How Can You Tell a Great Leader When You See One? Look for This 1 Uncommon Sign

"To reach that state of loyalty where people trust you at your every word requires the daily act of exposing your values, beliefs, convictions, and morals to others in close quarters. When your actions are observed, and you know you can trust your own actions out in the open, your reputation is upheld. People never question your decisions or challenge you on an issue that opposes your character; they know where you stand."

What Exactly Does Passive Aggressive Mean?

"Here’s the skinny: individuals who are passive aggressive are hostile, but in a thinly disguised manner. They’ll let you know through little barbs and lapses that they’re angry with you, but they’ll never confront you directly. Instead, they demonstrate their defiance or resistance indirectly, or at least disguise it with a tightly clenched smile and a semi-growled, 'Have a nice day.'"

Why Entrepreneurs Start Companies Rather Than Join Them

"If you asked me why I gravitated to startups rather than work in a large company I would have answered at various times: “I want to be my own boss.” “I love risk.” “I want flexible work hours.” “I want to work on tough problems that matter.” “I have a vision and want to see it through.” 'I saw a better opportunity and grabbed it. …'"

"It never crossed my mind that I gravitated to startups because I thought more of my abilities than the value a large company would put on them. At least not consciously. But that’s the conclusion of a provocative research paper, Asymmetric Information and Entrepreneurship, that explains a new theory of why some people choose to be entrepreneurs. The authors’ conclusion — Entrepreneurs think they are better than their resumes show and realize they can make more money by going it alone. And in most cases, they are right."

Author bio – "Entrepreneur-turned-educator Steve Blank is the Father of Modern Entrepreneurship. Credited with launching the Lean Startup movement, he’s changed how startups are built; how entrepreneurship is taught; how science is commercialized, and how companies and the government innovate. . . ."

Understanding Speed and Velocity: Saying “No” to the Non-Essential

"It's tempting to think that in order to be a valuable team player, you should say “yes” to every request and task that is asked of you. People who say yes to everything have a lot of speed. They're always doing stuff but never getting anything done. Why? Because they don't think in terms of velocity. Understanding the difference between speed and velocity will change how you work."