11 Lies You Tell Yourself That Are Keeping You from Building Wealth

"If you really want to live the financial life of your dreams, it's time to get real. Here are 11 of the most common lies you need to stop telling yourself before it's too late."

Author bio – Ms. Quinn "is an experienced personal finance writer and her work has appeared on WSJ.com, Huffington Post and Slate. She is also the former Managing Editor of Mint.com."

The Real Reason Manufacturing Jobs Are Disappearing

"We've heard a lot of rhetoric lately suggesting that countries like the US are losing valuable manufacturing jobs to lower-cost markets like China, Mexico and Vietnam — and that protectionism is the best way forward. But those jobs haven't disappeared for the reasons you may think, says border and logistics specialist Augie Picado [photo, left]. He gives us a reality check about what global trade really looks like and how shared production and open borders help us make higher quality products at lower costs."

How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Today’s Business

"The real strength of Artificial Intelligence lies in its ability process large and complex amounts of data far more effectively than humans. It enables repetitive tasks to be automated and seeks out more efficient ways to sort out and process information – and then make it more easily available to its human counterparts."

"With this in mind, we’d like to look at specific challenges faced by job seekers, employees, hiring managers and HR departments and look at ways in which artificial intelligence can make people’s lives easier."

10 Traits Rich People Share

"You must give up so much in the pursuit of success. So, why would anyone pursue success? Because success is worth the sacrifice," writes Thomas C. Corley (photo, left).

"In my Rich Habits Study , I interviewed 233 wealthy individuals (177 of whom were self-made millionaires) with at least $160,000 in annual gross income and $3.2 million in net assets.

"Here are most important ingredients, or attributes, that the self-made millionaires in my study possessed: . . ."