The Only 10 Slides Ever Needed for Pitching Investors for a New Business

As a member of the local Angel group selection committee, I’ve seen a lot of startup presentations to investors, and I’ve never seen one that was too short – maybe short on content, but not short on pages!

A perfect round number is ten slides, with the right content, that can be covered in ten minutes. Even if you have an hour booked, the advice is the same.

Here are the slides . . .

Gamification: Why Playing Games Could Be the Next Big Thing for Business

Gamification — the application of online game design techniques in non-game settings — has been quickly gaining the attention of leaders in business, education, policy and even terrorist communities. But gamification also has plenty of critics, and the debate over its future could become an epic battle in the same vein of many online game favorites.

This special report includes coverage of a recent Wharton conference titled, "For the Win: Serious Gamification," in addition to interviews with conference participants who discuss the use of gamification in business, government and other arenas.

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15 Business Theories That Will Improve Your Life

Harvard Business School professor Clay Christensen is best known for introducing the theory of disruptive innovation, which Steve Jobs and other visionaries have used to map out successful strategies for their businesses.

We spoke with Christensen a few weeks ago about his new book, "How Will You Measure Your Life," which looks at how we can apply successful case studies — for example, how Netflix disrupted the video retail industry— to our own lives.

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Photo credit – betsyweber on Flickr

Six Pricing Tricks Businesses Use to Outfox Customers

The first of April is the time of year when, for a brief moment, everyone pays attention to the fools among us.

But as it turns out, some businesses do that year-round, because your foolish purchasing behavior translates directly into their profit.

I’m referring to the way products are priced. Usually, the price on the sticker is the price you pay.

But when it isn’t – well, that’s when some companies earn big bucks from our collective ignorance.

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Frito-Lay CMO: The Days of Traditional Mass Marketing Are Over

The marketing world is changing. Marketers have more channels than ever to get their message across, but not everyone out there is doing it right.

We spoke with Ann Muhkerjee, SVP and CMO of Frito-Lay North America, about where marketing is going as technology and consumers change.

"I think what people want are brand experiences," says Muhkerjee. "I think the days of traditional mass marketing are kind of over." . . .

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What Happens to Debt After You Die?

Death is probably the last thing on your mind right now, but you should know that someone will probably be on the hook for the tab when you finally punch out.

TotalBankruptcy created a cool infographic to explain what can happen to debt after you die. Single-signers on things like cars usually get off scott-free, but co-signers beware: student loans and mortgages could put your loved ones in over their heads.