Four Things You Can Learn from Segway’s Notorious Product Fail

About 10 years ago, inventor Dean Kamen, in a much-anticipated introduction, brought his Segway to the public. Revered by the media and business-world celebrities as a total game-changer in urban planning, transportation, and daily life, the public ended up a bit crestfallen at what they actually saw. It looks like a glorified scooter, and even today, it's a rare sight to see anyone other than a mall security officer or tourist group plodding along on one.
So what went wrong? . . .

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Just Explained a Key Business Lesson That Could Have Saved United from Its PR Fiasco

Jeff Bezos
"Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos released his annual letter to shareholders on Wednesday. It's a must-read missive filled with pearls of management philosophy and leadership lessons from the guy who created a $430 billion juggernaut."

Read more . . .

Also see: Here Are Some Lessons Businesses Can Learn from the United Airlines Fiasco

Introduction to Business Textbooks offers more information for instructors.

Free Stock Market Game for Introduction to Business

stockmarket game
More and more research is showing that the key to having lessons in the classroom to really sink in is to make sure your students are getting a full experiencial learning experience, with lots of examples, interactive supplements, and external resources to help bring everything together.That is the idea behind everything we do at HowTheMarketWorks! The heart of our program is our virtual trading software, where teachers can set up a custom stock market contest for their class, using the dates, trading rules, and starting cash that is most applicable to their own class, and have their students take part in a fully interactive investment simulator, using all real companies, real stocks, real mutual funds, and real prices, in a 100% free environment! Read how you can use it in your classroom  . . .