8 Lies about Money That Could Be Keeping You in Debt

"Patrice C. Washington, author of Real Money Answers for Every Woman: How to Win the Money Game With or Without a Man, says the lies we tell ourselves about money might be contributing to those balances," writes Libby Kane (photo, left).

"Washington says that wealth "has 100% nothing to do with money."

"Below, she outlines eight common money lies that could be keeping us in debt: . . ."

7 Ways That Grocery Stores Entice You to Spend More

"Retailers and manufacturers are putting more dollars into front-line efforts in the stores themselves, says Paco Underhill, founder of Envirosell and author of Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping."

"'If stores do it right, you have fun shopping a clean, bright store and bringing home some interesting things to eat. And if you also want to stick to your budget, it pays to recognize in-store marketing when you see it.

'Do you keep overspending when you hit the supermarket? See if any of these seven marketing strategies might help explain why.'

5 Financial Terms People Use All Wrong

"There's a lot to learn about money."

"'It's not taught in high school," Bob Gavlak [photo, left], CFP and wealth adviser with Strategic Wealth Partners in Columbus, Ohio, told Business Insider. "You get taught about parabolas and Venn diagrams in high school, but you don't get taught about taxes and budgeting and credit cards and mortgages, which would be much more helpful to your long-term personal success."

"And then, he pointed out, we tend not to learn financial literacy in college or at work. When are we supposed to pick it up?"

This Hotel Wants to Give Families a Discount for Staying Off Their Phones

"Technology use while on vacation affects more than just the type of activities travelers do. According to Wyndham hotels, 54 percent of children believe their parents check their phones “too often” and 32 percent said that they feel “unimportant” when their parents are distracted by screens."

Cailey Rizzo reports at TravelandLeisure.com.